The Project has become operative in 10 districts of Himachal Pradesh with the financial assistance of the World Bank. The Project builds on the successful experience of the HP Mid Himalayan Watershed Development Project (HPMHWDP) which culminated on 31st March, 2017. IDP Project aims to improve upstream watershed management and increase agricultural water productivity in selected Gram Panchayats in Himachal Pradesh.The project will have the following PDO indicators:
- New farm area brought under higher efficiency irrigation through project support in targeted GPs (Hectares)
- Share of participating farmers adopting climate smart agriculture practices (Percentage, gender disaggregated)
- Land area under sustainable landscape management practices (CRI, Hectares (Ha))
- Number of reforms recommended by the institutional assessments that are implemented (Number)
- Share of participating farmers who give a rating of “Satisfied” or above on process and realized benefits of project interventions (Percentage, gender disaggregated) (Citizen Engagement Indicator)